Critical news archive
New frontiers - Madis Ciglis
1st article
Accuracy of Apple Watch Measurements of Heart Rate
and Energy Expenditure in Patients with
Cardiovascular Disease – a validation study (PDF below)
By using sports watch nearly 5 years I have learned how impactful it can be also in daily life.
By reading this article I learned how the amalgamation of reading heart rate, calories and daily steps can improve one’s life and can be used to also track exhaustion levels.
I personally used the sports watch to track my heart rate zones and how they impact my concentration, map reading ability and pace in orienteering competitions. For instance:
Zone 1 (Warm Up) Perceived exertion: Relaxed, easy pace, rhythmic breathing. ...
Zone 2 (Easy) Perceived exertion: Comfortable pace, slightly deeper breathing, conversation possible.
Zone 3 (Aerobic) Pace is hard to sustain, deep breathing after the race, conversation ability reduced.
Zone 4 (Threshold) Ability to sustain the pace is limited, breathing almost impossible, conversation impossible.
Zone 5 (Maximum) Concentration almost completely gone.
This article helped me to create my concept for how by combining data from sports watch over a day can help track energy levels during the day in not so distant future, quite similar to batter.
I showed this in the video when my sports watch indicated I’m at 20 percent of energy and I would need to sleep soon.
2nd article
In Bed with Technology: Challenges and Opportunities for Sleep Tracking (PDF below)
My sports watch also lets me track sleep patterns and sleep levels. I never really paid much attention to these readings, but now I thought it would be very interesting to apply it to my concept. What if by reading levels like: deep sleep, light sleep, awake moment etc. could help to identify when we have had enough sleep and are maximally rested, thus waking us up when were ready for optimal workday.
Reading this article made me understand that research has already been conducted in this kind of technology and people are seeing the potential of implementing it in our daily lives. The article also discussed how reliable the data is and why people are having problems of understanding of this data. In the end it’s quite clear that this technology has a lot of benefits in enhancing our sleep and understanding why we feel certain ways in the morning but is largely underdeveloped and need to be further investigated and designed to be more comfortable to use and improve its precision.
In my video it was shown how my watch wakes me up when I have had enough sleep and have “100 percent of energy” for the following day.
Publication:OzCHI '15: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human InteractionDecember 2015 Pages 142–151
3rd article
Video of my own sleep data.
For this project I also used my own sleep data from 2018 when I tracked my sleep most closely. I realized that back then I used to sleep a lot. And this gave me an idea of what if I would only sleep for necessary time till my physical and my psychological abilities are in optimal level. It also shows my different levels of sleep and how long time period I spend in each state. I found it very interesting to look back at this data. I used this data in my video to solidify my concept of tracking exhaustion levels and how to make it more socially acceptable for others if I fell asleep in front of other people and how this technology could be used in day to day life.
I also used this data to illustrate how much time we loose sleeping, for instance as you can see in the video i did sleep a way too much back then. Technically I lost 10 hours from 24 hour day. That means either my work or my hobbies and leisure time had to suffer. And technology to track when person is fully "recharged" could help aid this problem.
4th article
Costa, Giovanni & Folkard, Simon. (2010). Shift work and extended hours of work. 10.1201/b13467-127. (PDF below)
Reading this article I mostly focused on biological and social aspects of work and shift work. How night shifts and day shifts can change our biological clock and leave us feeling like we're jet lagged.
This article also helped me to understand how irregular rest/activity patterns can impact our concentration. I also learned about circadian rhythms and was thinking what would happen if changed these rhythms from natural sleep-wake cycle to manufactured exhaust-rest one - one where we sleep when it's necessary for our physical and mental abilities.
I think if this kind of technology existed it would be more understandable and acceptable by society to sleep when necessary, for instance in work or social environments. It could also be used to to plan our days around this "energy level" reading we get when we get woken up fully rested.
I also used it for my video, for instance I fell asleep in front of my friends and they checked my watch, noticing I was running low on energy they did let me sleep.